Archive: "Best" Method of properly installing on Vista?

"Best" Method of properly installing on Vista?
I've been watching discussions for a while about what to use to properly install on Vista. It seems that UAC.nsh plugin is the current favorite? Is it the current recommended method?

If UAC.nsh is the best way currently, then I have some additional questions:
Does anyone have any examples of using UAC and MUI2 together? Is it still necessary to use MultiUser.nsh when using UAC?

Thanks folks!

Requirements of installer:
XP, Vista
Writes to:
Program Files, Desktop, Start Menu (all or current)
Deletes from:
Program Files, Desktop, Start Menu (whatever install did), every users Documents folder
DirectX installer, .NET installer, C++ Redist installer
Run as:
user or admin, with proper elevations

Shorcuts created need to be able to be run without elevation.

I see that no one answered your questions and I am afraid that I am not going to answer your questions but rather add to them with a twist of my own:

My problem is that... I am not using the UAC plugin but I still don't see any problem with my installer on Vista?

Am I doing something wrong? :)

My installer places executables under C:\Program Files, places shortcuts on the start menu to ALL users, creates a shell context menu, writes to HKLM... - all of that when installing from either admin or "standard user" (limited) - with exactly the same result: shortcuts & context menu are available to all users. This is exactly the behavior I expect and want.

So what am I doing wrong? :)

I mean, the UAC plugin must have been created to solve a Vista problem. But I don't understand which problem.

Can you please explain?


There are two ways to install on NT systems:

a) All users install (SetShellVarContext all/Programfiles/HKLM/Common Startmenu)

b) Single user (SetShellVarContext current/Application Data/HKCU/Startmenu)

The UAC plugin will allow you to do both in a ugly hacked way for people that insist on installing things like its Win95. It also solves the problem of running a program on the finish page (UAC plugin can start programs as current user and not the admin doing the install for elevated installers)

Anders, thanks for your explanation. It definitely helped me better understand the need for the UAC plugin, although I currently don't need since I utilize only the first way that you mentioned:

Originally posted by Anders
a) All users install (SetShellVarContext all/Programfiles/HKLM/Common Startmenu)
I am now curious about your comment about "ugly hacked way". Why is the UAC plugin approach considered "ugly"?

The way its implemented is not pretty (Does not display stuff in the log on the instfiles page etc.)