Archive: How to detect back and cancel button was clicked in nsDialog?

How to detect back and cancel button was clicked in nsDialog?
Hi everyone,

I created a nsDialog in my installer. How can I get my function called when user clicked back, cancel or next button?

Thank you,


For Back there's ${NSD_OnBack}. For Cancel, there's Function .onUserAbort.

Thank you for your answer.
Using !define MUI_CUSTOMFUNCTION_ABORT userAbort is a better way than define .onUserAbort.

Because when I use .onUserAbort the compiler complains exists function error.

It's not a better way, it's the only way :) Go with MUI_CUSTOMFUNCTION_ABORT.

oh, and Next btn how to get the handle when clicked?

GetDlgItem $R0 $HWNDPARENT 1


GetDlgItem $R0 $HWNDPARENT 1
Pop $R0
GetFunctionAddress $1 Quit_require
nsDialogs::OnClick $R0 $1

Function Quit_require

But don't quit it's change to next page

Why are you trying to assign OnClick to the Next button? That's what the page Leave function is for.
