25th September 2008 10:55 UTC
disabling automatic copying of the uninstaller to the temp dir
I would like to start my uninstaller without needing to use the ugly command line option "_?=". Is there any function call within my nsis script available, which would disable the uninstaller from copying itself to the temporary directory? I´m using the selfdel plugin so I don´t need to this automatic behaviour.
25th September 2008 21:39 UTC
There is no option to disable that behavior of the uninstaller. You can, however, create a regular installer, brand it as an uninstaller and pack it in as your uninstaller.
25th September 2008 21:46 UTC
Originally posted by kichik
You can, however, create a regular installer, brand it as an uninstaller and pack it in as your uninstaller.
or combine installer and uninstaller:
26th September 2008 13:29 UTC
Well unfortunately I saw that kind of reponse coming.
Thanks Guys for your quick response! I will look into using a combined uninstaller in the meantime. But I still think a function call for disabling this behaviour would be a nice feature request for a upcoming NSIS release.