Archive: How to disable an InstType in components page

How to disable an InstType in components page
I've searched the forum but can't find the answer to my question: How can I disable an InstType from being chosen in the install type drop list on the components page. The scenario is when a user is installing on top of a previous installation, say for an upgrade to a new version. The installation types are 1) full install, 2) minimum install, and 3) custom. The user should not be able to install a minimum installation on top of an earlier full installation. So I'd like to disable, or dynamically remove, the minimum install choice. *But* I don't want to disable the drop list itself, because I still want the Custom choice available. Thanks in advance for any and all help.
- Steve

Use InstTypeSetText to remove the minimum installation type at run time.

However, I'm confused how this would really help you because by keeping the "custom" option, you are still allowing the user to select the same set of options as the "minimum" install. (I guess to prevent that, you could set some other sections flags to allow the user to pick something less than a "full" install, but more than a "minimum" install.)