Archive: reg file problem

reg file problem
hi to all :D
i'm trying to do a thing, but i don't know if it is impossible or not...
i have to write a reg binary, with a file path; but this path depends on the install path, so it would be a variable.
so, it is possible to have a variable, that during the installation of the file would be transformed in hex, using the function writeregbin?
thx very much (and sorry for my bad english :p)

You can't do it with WriteRegBin, but the registry plug-in can help you there.

thx very much, i will try it! i have only one problem
i'm using the registry::StrToHex function.
but how can i use this (the attached file) as value?

Do you want the content of this file to go into the registry? Simply read it with FileOpen, FileRead and FileClose.

no no..
i have to add this text

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <PARAMS>  <SCHEDULED_TASK PLUGIN="1000600" ACTION="0" DESCRIPTION="a">   <DATA>    <NODE NAME="FILENAME" VALUE="b" TYPE="STRING" />    <NODE NAME="DIRECTORY" VALUE="c" TYPE="STRING" />    <NODE NAME="CMDLINE" VALUE="&quot;d&quot; /s" TYPE="STRING" />   </DATA>  </SCHEDULED_TASK> </PARAMS> 

to the windows registry (i don't know why i added the .txt file instead of copying it here) without reading it from a file.
only that i don't know how to convert this to hex using ${registry::StrToHex}, because it is multi-lined (when i copy it in the nsis editor it becomes a text on various lines...)

Use $\n for new lines.

ok, thx
but if i make something like this

        ${registry::StrToHex} '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>$\n
<NODE NAME="CMDLINE" VALUE="&quot;d&quot; /s" TYPE="STRING" />$\n

it makes me an error on the first line...
thx very much for the big help

Use $\n instead of the actual line breaks.

${registry::StrToHex} '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>$\n<PARAMS>$\n...

oh yes!:D :D :D
thx very much kichik!
your answers were so fast:p
:up: :up: :up: