Archive: Using internal installer unzip rather then plugin

Using internal installer unzip rather then plugin

I am trying to create online installer, wich will download pachages from our web site, decompress and put files to destinaction folder.

I found couple of plugins wich can do that. I prefer to use compression better then zip. Like LZMA.
Founded plug-in is not very excited, becuase it require lzma.exe program.

Also, why would I use additional plugin, were NSIS itself already has decompression code inside it exe?

Question: Is that possible to use decompression functions of installer?

You cannot use the internal functions as they are not exported.

Thanks for info.
Gues, it might be good addition.
Why use plugin, increase install size if installer already have it..

Because the installer doesn't really have what you need anyway. It can only decompress a buffer and NSIS can't handle those. You'd need to add code to read compressed data from external files.