Archive: Hiding File Operations on Install Page MUI2

Hiding File Operations on Install Page MUI2

Is there a way to completely hide the details of the installation from the user? For instance I have an installer that uses MUI2 and I have set ShowInstDetails to never however on the install page the user can still see the current file being extracted and/or executed. It would be preferable if I can mask/hide this from the user since I don't want them to be aware of which files are being dealt with at any time during the installation process.

I have attached an image of the line of text on the install page that I am hoping to have hidden.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

you know users who really want to find out will anyway, right? (from a simple difference between file lists, to filemon, to.. etc.)

Anyway.. ShowInstDetails only governs the (optional) scrolling list, not the label you're referring to. You can always hide that label, if you want; check out the following thread which deals with a similar issue (it hides the progress bar)

Thanks very much for the reply Animaether, I will definitely give that a go. I guess this has sparked a new question. If I can get a handle on the label, is there a way to change the text so give the user some kind of indication of what's happening? It would be good for us to change the label to something like "Now installing, please wait..."

Your help is very much appreciated.

If I can get a handle on the label, is there a way to change the text so give the user some kind of indication of what's happening?
Several example scripts are shipped with NSIS. The makensis.nsi script (in the "Examples" folder) shows how to do this. Here is a fragment from that file:
SetDetailsPrint textonly
DetailPrint "Installing NSIS Core Files..."
SetDetailsPrint listonly
The NSIS installer creates a Start Menu shortcut to the "Examples" folder

pengyou, Now that is exactly what I was after! Thank you very much!