Aborting from a function inside MUI_APGECUSTOMEFUNCION_LEAVE
I have a problem with aborting the installer from a custom function when I am leaving from the Directory page in the installer.
Basically my requirement is to quit the installer if the directory doesn't have minimum size required. I am able to get into the error condition then I display new MessageBox saying "you didnt meet requirements" and then do an ABORT. But, this abort is quitting only the messageBox not the actual Installer window. Do I need to get handle from this custom function or something?
Any help is much appreciated. Following is the code snippet.
;This Function will be called on leaving of Dir Page
;This will chekc the install director is proper or not
;If installation directory is not correct this will stop the
;installation on the directory page so that user can change the
;installation directory
Function dir_leave
getInstDirError $0
${Switch} $0
${Case} 0
${Case} 1
MessageBox MB_OK "You do not meet req"
${Case} 2
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "You do not meet req"