Archive: Showing video before / during / after ins.?

Showing video before / during / after ins.?
i been searching in here for like hours to find out how to show an presentation video during the installation?
and what i found out whas, use flash video format, since nsis should nativily support that? , but i dont see that in the documentation, and the answers i found was from 2002-2005 hehe, i hope it got better.

So what i want is during the install, an video is running as the background(full screen)(hopefull with progress bar hidden), and installer should move forward when the video is done playing? , if that's out of the question, then show the video before the installer start(full screen), or last resort, at the end of the installer?
And all of that without resorting to codecs ect, so i guess flash should be the filetype(flv or swf?)

Thx for you help i hope.

Ok, i figured it out. Remember somewhere i had to make the flash to an exe file(Projector), and then exec the file before the installation is installing files, that is fine, i just extract the flash before everything else.
Is it possible to extract the flash file to memory instead? and run it from there(only 10-20 MB).

I tried to find some freeware ramdrive software,but it seems no on ever made such program (portable, scriptable)??, we need it hehe, so plz programmers make it, one full portable ramdrive program(ppl has asked for that for 3-5 years), so thats something to look into :-), i hope some one can make some one compatible with NSIS

why do you want to extract that to memory ?

since running the flash, and installing at the same time, meight produce some lag, and also its clean.

well, atleast, move the flash / video, to the cache somehow, can that be done ?

Well i guess when i just extracted the flash file, it should be in the cache, but i dont think it works so well :-(, i got a system that has 4GB ram, raptorX X2 in raid 0(165 MB sec+), still it lag in the flash???)

So thats why i think putting the flash in the ram / cache would make a good video ?
rest of my system is better than usual too, so i fear if a normal ppl tries this, it would lag bad :-(

Not to brag, but to make u understand maybe:

CPU: Core2DUO E67oo @ 3200 Mhz (max was 3750Mhz) @ 70C
Harddrives: RaptorX X2 in Raid 0 (140-170 MB/s )
Ram: Corsair 6400C4 ( @ 7400 @]
Motherboard: Gigabyte P35C-DS3R REV1
GFX is not needed here but i have : Asus X2900XT 512Mb
Also Keyboard and mouse is gaming grade
??? why is the movie lag on me ?
When running sisoft, i get about 6,5 GB speed in ram test, thats why i want to move that flash into the ram.

So, i know lots of ppl, not got my high standard, and i fear it will lack, since it does on my machin(only like 2 or 4 frames), but i fear that will be worse on slower machines ?

So, anyone know of an freeware easy scriptable ramdrive software, or load the video into cache / ram, other drive than the one installing from ect ?

i found two on google, but i don't think this will make your video significantly faster. you should look into a different compression - no compression gives best speed results.

Thx Yathosho, well my installer would be destributed on the internet, so smallest size is important, right now its 145 MB compressed, 550 MB uncompressed, so no compresseion is no option, maybe the 2 you found on google will be better, can you link them plz ?

I made a test of the stuff i do
Path to source nsis script :

Path to video installer test : Its about 47.66 MB compressed and 147.7 MB installed

So you see Yathosho, thats why i dont want to share it uncompressed, u can compress these kind of files alot.