Archive: Running JS on a webpage

Running JS on a webpage
Part of my installer needs to include installing other software from the web. I have a command to open IE and go to my desired webpage. After the webpage initializes it has an install button that needs to be pushed before the installation will proceed. Is there a way in NSIS to command this button push? If I hold my mouse over the button it says javascript:startInstall(), don't know if that helps.


Simplest option would be to include a GET query which when visited simply runs your JS function when loading has completed.


thanks for the help. I am a little confused about the "GET query". Is this a built-in command?

No, you need a web executable (PHP/ASP/JSP) that when given a specific GET query (such as page.php?install=1) shows a different page (or performs a specific task such as run your JS function). This is not an NSIS specific task at all.
