Archive: Check wether AMD64 or Itanium 64bit processor

Check wether AMD64 or Itanium 64bit processor
  Is there a simple method for checking whether a system is running AMD64 or Itanium64 bit processors? The reason is I have a DLL for logging to the windows event log but there are three separate DLL's. 32bit, AMD64, and Itanium64.

I know how to check if the system is 32 or 64 bit, but need help how to check whether it's AMD64 or Itanium64.

call GetNativeSystemInfo with the system plugin

Thanks for quick reply and getting me on the right Path Anders. I can see all the pieces of the puzzle now but I'm having a little trouble putting them together.

I've looked at the wiki for getting the disk serial number: Wiki: Get disk Volume Serial Number

And I realize I want to use the GetNativeSystemInfo in the same way but I'm unsure how to define the variable and the system call like seen there to get what I want out. Could you point me to an example or resources that will help me with figuring this out?

So to make things clearer I know I need to get the wProcessorArchitecture member out of SystemInfo using the system plugin but I don't understand how to make the call and access the value of that member.

!include WinVer.nsh

>${If} ${AtLeastWinXP}
System::Alloc 36
${If} $0 <> 0
System::Call 'kernel32::GetNativeSystemInfo(i $0)'
System::Call "*$0(&i2.r1)"
MessageBox mb_ok wProcessorArchitecture=$1
System::Free $0

That worked, thank you so much Anders! =)

How to i386, ia64, amd64, wow64 separate file copy?
  Hello. Please help me. I'm newbee.

I have i386, ia64, amd64, wow64 separate dll files. How can I choose and copy files to system folder?
Can I use it like this?

SetOutPath "$SYSDIR\"

if ($processor==ia64) { File "
ia64kbdmon.dll" }
elseif ($processor==amd64) { File "amd64kbdmon.dll" }
elseif ($processor==wow64) { File "wow64kbdmon.dll" }
else { File "i386kbdmon.dll" }
If yes please help me how to I write in my *.nsi file. I don't know much about programming language. Please help me.

thank you.