Archive: Check box in a listbox

Check box in a listbox
Hello everyone:
I'm trying to have a dialog with a list of items each with a check box.
Is something similar to what the Page components do to show the different components.
Does anybody knows of a way to accomplish that?


I'm looking for the same thing.

By me at the end of an install procedure, the user have to launche the application, but on the same page, I want some checkboxes to launch a documentation on the background. (some like a readme)

I've found some sample of code like : http (things) (slash) Custom_Finish_Page

But I'm too new with NSIS (that I compile with Eclipse) to understand very well in which context it is usable (old UI, modernUI...) what to add in my code and where ... which .ini to add ????
Generaly I feal the NSIS docs and sample very complicated.