Archive: [NSIS] No background picture and another question...

[NSIS] No background picture and another question...
hi guys,

1.)i want to display a big picture (the size of the screen) at the starting of the installation, and in the middle of the installation the picture should change, and at the end, the picture should change again. Also, what should happen is, that i want to play a (long) sound.

i used the script of the examples (NSIS/EXAMPLES/BGIMAGE/Examples.nsi)

and at the starting on the installation the big picture was displayed at the background...

but in my installation script, where i put this script in, there is an error message, that Function named GUIINIT already exists, but there is no function named gui init in the whole script...

2.) is it possible to change the grey background coulour of the installer, where buttons and stuff are placed?

when i name the function onGUIINIT in onINIT, there is no error, but the first picture is not displayed and the other two pictures are displayed...why can the first picture not be displayed?
(maybe you have to check the example installer to know what i mean...)

I hope you can help :)

can maybe someone help me out on msn, icq or on any messenger? By that many of my NSIS problems will be solved i think :p