How to i386, ia64, amd64, wow64 separate file copy?
Please help me

Hello. Please help me. I'm newbee.

I have i386, ia64, amd64, wow64 different dll files. How can I choose and copy files to system folder?
Can I use it like this?

SetOutPath "$SYSDIR\"
if (processor==ia64) { File "ia64\kbdmon.dll" }
elseif (processor==amd64) { File "amd64\kbdmon.dll" }
elseif (processor==wow64) { File "wow64\kbdmon.dll" }
else { File "i386\kbdmon.dll" }

If yes please help me how to I write in my *.nsi file. I don't know much about programming language.