Archive: Error calling .NET DLL method

Error calling .NET DLL method
  I have a problem.
during setup.

Error calling .NET DLL method

Constructor on type 'WordLauncher.Launcher' not found.

from nsi:

File "WordLauncher.dll" 

>StrCpy $0 "Hello, Signatec"
>DetailPrint $0 CLR::Call /NOUNLOAD "WordLauncher.dll" "WordLauncher.Launcher" "launch" 1 "some string value"
from dll:

using System.Reflection;

>using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word;

>namespace WordLauncher
public static class Launcher
staticobject missing = Missing.Value;

public staticvoid launch(string text)

Application Word_App = null;
Document Word_doc = null;
Word_App = new Application();
Word_doc = new Document();


AutoCorrect autocorrect = Word_App.AutoCorrect;
AutoCorrectEntries autoEntries = autocorrect.Entries;

autoEntries.Add("Inntroduction", "Introduction");

Documents Docs = Word_App.Documents;

Word_App.Visible = true;
_Document my_Doc = (_Document)Word_doc;
Word_doc = Docs.Add(ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing);

object start = 0;
object end = 0;
Range range = Word_doc.Range(ref missing, ref missing);

range.Text = text;

You are missing a public constructor in your .NET class.

Originally posted by claesabrandt
You are missing a public constructor in your .NET class.
Class is static.

Hmm, okay. I never tested it with static classes. The thing is that I create an instance of the class when attempting to call the method. A quick remedy right now would be to create a default constructor in your class that does nothing.

Ups, can't have constructors in static classes. Only remedy right now would be to make the class non-static.