Archive: Header text to long

Header text to long

I'm currently using MUI pages, and therefore using MUI_PAGE_HEADER_TEXT to define the text on the header, but my problem is that this text is too long and because of that is broken into two lines, but the second line is not shown. What can I do to be able to see the second line?
I do not wish to change the font size.

Best Regards


other than the obvious: use less text?

You could try pushing the text up a bit maybe...

System::Call "User32::SetWindowPos(i, i, i, i, i, i, i) b (handle, 0, x, y, w, h, 1)"

handle should be a control handle - using e.g. GetDlgItem
x and y are the X and Y coordinate positions in dialog units
w and h are the Width and Height.

See also:

But I'd go with the 'less text' option :)