Archive: Error reporting/handling

Error reporting/handling
I'd like to have my installer catch any errors and then do a quick post to my site with any error data it catches.

Anyone know how to do this? I just implemented it with my OSX installers. Much easier than waiting for people to report errors and then trying to squeeze details out of 'em!


depending on the level of errors you need, you can either go with the default callbacks (installation failed, user abort, etc.) or wrap important parts of your code in..


bits, where you set the error details yourself (NSIS doesn't have a variable that contains the error message - if even applicable).

Then use something like inetc ( ) to submit the data to your website (either GET or POST).

Thanks a lot. I noticed the inst failed callabck, but is that called on any failure? If so, it's perfect. The documentation's slightly confusing on this point.

On ifErrors, that basically checks if the return code of the anything in the prior code block was non-zero? It's a non-zero return code anywhere in the code block, not just the last call, right?

Thanks very much.


Originally posted by afisk
Thanks a lot. I noticed the inst failed callabck, but is that called on any failure?
'fraid not - it's only called in one situation: the user hitting the Cancel button on the InstFiles page (the page where actual file installation commences).
The cancel button itself is only enabled if a File couldn't be extracted, or script code (in one of the sections, for example), called Abort.

So if you have, for example, a page that grabs a piece of registry information on which your installer depends, and that registry information is missing, .onInstFailed won't be called, as missing registry information isn't an installation error problem.

If you have such situations to deal with, then, more than likely, you'd want to work with the ClearErrors/code/IfErrors bit as that will give you a bit more information than just "the user hit cancel while installing files".

Originally posted by afisk On ifErrors, that basically checks if the return code of the anything in the prior code block was non-zero? It's a non-zero return code anywhere in the code block, not just the last call, right?
Correct - it's for all of the code since the last ClearErrors. If any call after the last ClearErrors sets the error flag, then IfErrors will be true - you won't be able to tell which call, exactly, caused the error so choose your code blocks carefully.

In theory it should be possible to wrap every NSIS command with an error handler, but it would be quite a bit of work on the level of LogicLib... and reading through logiclib code makes my head hurt ;) Perhaps a future version of NSIS will have an internal variable or stack that contains (a) userfriendly error message(s), at least for developers' use.