Archive: UAC plug-in did not work

UAC plug-in did not work
I write "RequestExecutionLevel user" and
initialize code in the .onInit code.
(also include UAC.nsh)

But, these code didn't work.

UAC::ShellExec "open" "$SYSDIR\divxsm.exe" /register
UAC::ExecWait 'Regedit.exe /S "$INSTDIR\divxconfig.reg"'

Is there any missing point? or whole code is wrong?

Plz let me know how to use ExecShell/ExecWait
in Windows Vista which using UAC.

(test pc:Vista32bit and admin group account logged in)

you need to specify all the parameters:

UAC::ShellExec <STR:Verb> <INT:ShowWindow> <STR:App> <STR:Parameters> <STR:WorkingDir>

UAC::ExecWait <INT:ShowWindow> <STR:App> <STR:Parameters> <STR:WorkingDir>

if you don't need one of the arguments, you still need to provide it, so use ""