Abort / Cancel pop up modification
I am definitely new to NSIS and SkinBuilder. I am trying to make a skin that has a person sticking out of the side, which I have gotten pretty far with.
My problem is when someone wants to cancel the pop up that comes up looks horrible due to scaling. I am trying to figure out how I can modify the cancel screen. Can I use a different skin for that pop up? If not, where would I modify the size settings for the pop up window?
I have looked all over for an answer and havent found anything yet. If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it.
if this helps, I am using MUI.
I really thought this problem would be a lot easier to figure out.
--NOTE to ADMIN very sorry I didnt mean to start a new thread. I was tryting to reply to my original post and started a new thread. Can you move this message to the "Abort / Cancel pop up modification" thread?