Archive: Running installation sections

Running installation sections

I have a rather complicated installation with many sections. Therefore I have written my own selection dialogue using nsDialogs.

Once I know which choices the user has made I need to run the appropriate installation sections.

How do I do that?


Simples way I can think of is to use SelectSection and UnselectSection macros from Sections.nsh


Sections in NSIS are 'reflections' of Components page selections. NSIS decides what sections to execute basing on current selections. If you want use some other logic from customer choices, IMHO better way is to use functions. Just call them from some mandatory (may be hidden) section. Another way is {_trueparuex^} described check boxes manupulation on the Components page, but customer can change selections on the Components page.

Originally posted by Takhir
Another way is {_trueparuex^} described check boxes manupulation on the Components page, but customer can change selections on the Components page.
Not if you never show a Components page:
Originally posted by RBIBBY
I have a rather complicated installation with many sections. Therefore I have written my own selection dialogue using nsDialogs.