Archive: How to remember user selections after clicking Back or Next?

How to remember user selections after clicking Back or Next?
Hi to all, especially to Stu,

I found an example to remember user's selections after clicking button Back or Next at , it is quite complicated. What do we need to do if I have over 10 options? Is there a simpler approach to implement the feature since the NSIS version is 2.41?

Thanks in advance.


save them in a variables?

There should be a mechanizm behind to remember the selections.

.. what makes you think it doesn't already? I'm assuming you're referring to selections on the Components page, at least..

!include "LogicLib.nsh"

Name "Test"
OutFile "SetupTest.exe"
InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\Test"

Page Directory
Page Components
Page Directory

Section "A" "a"

Section "B" "b"

Section "C" "c"

Evaluate, click Next on the first directory page, uncheck the 'B' section, click Next then Back, or Back then Nect.. 'B' section should still be unchecked.

You are right.
As long as I use my own function for Components page, the selections will be lost after clicking Next or Back.
And I checked the function and found that I mixed component option unselect and disable.
Finally I fixed the function and it works,

Thank you very much for your help.