Archive: HELP! Trying to Use NSIS

HELP! Trying to Use NSIS
hey i have a question i am trying to put these 2 NSIS scripts together
> but i jsut keep getting erorrs how do i do it
> these are the 2 i want to make 1
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Name "Launcher"
> OutFile "launcher.exe"
> ShowInstDetails nevershow
> AutoCloseWindow True
> Section "Main"
> ; set the active directory
> SetOutPath $EXEDIR\the\dir\we\want\to\go\in
> ; set an environment variable [ use: i("variable_name",
> "variable_value").r0 ]
> System::Call 'Kernel32::SetEnvironmentVariableA(t, t)
> i("THE_VARIABLE", "$EXEDIR\a\dir\we\want\as\environment\variable").r0'
> ; ...
> ; add as many environment variables as you need like specified above
> ; ...
> ; execute program
> Exec '"the_program_executable.exe"'
> ; ...or execute program with parameters
> ; Exec '"the_program_executable.exe" /settings
> "some_eventual_parameters_to_append_after_the_exe_name"'
> SectionEnd
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> This is the next one i want to put together with the first
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Function .onInit
> SetOutPath $TEMP
> File /oname=spltmp.bmp "my_splash.bmp"
> ; optional
> ; File /oname=spltmp.wav "my_splashshit.wav"
> splash::show 1000 $TEMP\spltmp
> Pop $0 ; $0 has '1' if the user closed the splash screen early,
> ; '0' if everything closed normally, and '-1' if some error occurred.
> Delete $TEMP\spltmp.bmp
> ; Delete $TEMP\spltmp.wav
> FunctionEnd
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> so basicly i want to laucnh an app with a splash screen first
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

also could comeone make thoses 2 functions together and post it