Archive: Need the $INSTDIR value with double bashlashes

Need the $INSTDIR value with double bashlashes
Hi there,

a question, to that I can't find a solution for.

In the variable $INSTDIR I can get the variabel installation directory. Thats clear.

But the problem is, that I need DOUBLE Bashlashes, because I must put an entry in Windows Registry. Its not my programme, i only write the installer, and there must be DOUBLE Bashlashes in Registry. I can't change the programm that reads that info from Registry.

$INSTDIR ="c:\programmfiles\software"

I need to write in Registry


How can I double the Backslashes in $INSTDIR ?

you could just write it using WriteRegStr and not use a .reg file, but if you really want to go that route, just get down and dirty with StrLen and StrCpy in a loop

or using the string functions that come with NSIS:

!include "StrFunc.nsh"

Name "Test"
OutFile "SetupTest.exe"
InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\Test"

Section "A" "aSection"
StrCpy $1 "c:\programmfiles\software"
MessageBox MB_OK "before: $1"
${StrRep} $1 $1 "\" "\\"
MessageBox MB_OK "after: $1"

Is that also possible ?
I could use ${WordReplace}, couldn't I ?

But it's strange because HM NIS Edit doesn't no the
command ${WordReplace}...

yeah...I am a newbe to NSIS...could please somebody give me a hint ?

sure - just as you could use ${StrRep} (*points up*)

Just include the correct header file near the top of your script...
!include "StrFunc.nsh"
!include "WordFunc.nsh"

These files are in the Include folder of your NSIS installation.