Archive: Confirm Page

Confirm Page
I have the following problem.

I use a Confirm Page, to show:

- Components (section to be installed)
- Installation Path
- Others .......

It works fine only on FIRST show, but using BACK / NEXT buttons to modify something, Confirm Page Text DON'T CHANGE.

How can i do?

Tahnks to all

depends on how you're creating your confirmation page.. installoptions, installoptionsex, nsdialogs? For any of them, you'll have to re-initialize your dialog -before- showing it again.

I use UMUI:

!define UMUI_CONFIRMPAGE_TEXTBOX confirm_function
!insertmacro UMUI_PAGE_CONFIRM

In the confirm_function i use a message box (too), to see the Checks changes.

Message wotks fine, text dosn't change.

May be i must CLEAR all text before, ond HOW? Or is something else?

Thanks again


no one can halp me?

I'm waiting for yoyr reply


'fraid I'm not familiar with Ultra Modern UI - perhaps try asking the author (as well as continuing to monitor here, of course)