Archive: ExecWait does not work in Section "Uninstall"

ExecWait does not work in Section "Uninstall"

I am trying to run an executable during uninstall. For some reason it just ignore my ExeWait call, the executable is not called, but the uninstaller does the other commands I give it.

I use NSIS 2.40, Modern UI version 2

This is the script uninstall section beginning, where I try to run my executable:
Section "Uninstall"
ExecWait "$WINDIR\notepad.exe"
RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\bin\release"
RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\data"

If I look into the MakeNSIS log, I don't see this line at all:
Section: "Uninstall"
RMDir: /r "$INSTDIR\bin\release"
RMDir: /r "$INSTDIR\data"

Any ideas?
Am I doing something wrong?


Because "notepad.exe" is located in $SYSDIR, not in $WINDIR ???

Tried $SYSDIR... did not work as well :-(
The MakeNSIS does not even show this line in the log - why is that?

Post your COMPLETE script please...

Sorry... just found the mistake in my script.
Thanks for the swift responses ;-)