Displaying files
In my first foray into NSIS (and installers in general) I have almost finished my very first installer, but the last step is causing me some serious headaches. I would like to read in a file (e.g. Release Notes or Change Log) and display that as the last page of the installer. It's working (sorta), but the file is over 2K in size. Registers only hold 1K, so I'm filling registers as the file is read, but the control element on the screen also only holds 1K. I thought about using the License page, but it has that "I Agree" button on it. Any (better/alternate) ideas?
Here's the code so far:
; ---------------------------
; header stuff here...
; ---------------------------
Page instfiles
Page custom PageReleaseNotes "" ""
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
; Reads in the Release Notes and displays at end of installtion
Var Dialog
Function PageReleaseNotes
nsDialogs::Create /NOUNLOAD 1018
Pop $Dialog
${If} $Dialog == error
StrCpy $R1 ""
StrCpy $R2 ""
StrCpy $R0 "Release Notes$\r$\n"
StrCpy $9 0
FileOpen $1 "$INSTDIR\icw\release_notes.txt" r
IfErrors ReadErr
FileRead $1 $2
IfErrors LoopErr
StrLen $5 $R0
${If} $5 >= 1000 ;; we're about to exceed register capacity
StrLen $5 $R1
${If} $5 > 0
StrCpy $R2 $R0
StrCpy $R1 $R0
StrCpy $R0 ""
StrCpy $4 $R0
StrCpy $R0 "$4 $\r$\n $2"
IntOp $9 $9 + 1
GoTo ReadLoop
StrCpy $4 $R0 ; make sure we grab that last line read in
StrCpy $R0 "$4 $\r$\n $2"
FileClose $1
nsDialogs::CreateControl /NOUNLOAD ${__NSD_Text_CLASS} \
${__NSD_Text_EXSTYLE} 0 0 100% 100% "$R1 $R2 $R3"
Pop $0
; Display the dialog