Archive: SuperPiMP my setup

SuperPiMP my setup
I've just read about a cool idea I'd like to implement for NSIS. Users send in their scripts or parts of them and we wax, polish, shine and install cool features. The SuperPiMP'ed scripts are then posted to a website along with explanations of why things were done so other users can learn how to SuperPiMP their own scripts or simply get to know cool new tricks.

I was thinking of posting that in the form of a blog as that would allow neat archiving and the ability to easily post comments. We can install WordPress on I already have a syntax highlighter for my own blog which can be used there. The only obstacle with that would be creating a matching theme.

So if anyone is willing to take on creating a place to put up those things with syntax highlighting and comments that would also look good (doesn't have to be Wordpress), I'm willing to take a script every two to three weeks. If not, I might just implement it as another category on my own blog.

The idea is based on Prototype's pimp my code which is in turn based on insult my code.

Now that the holiday season is over and people are actually visiting the forums, I want to bring this up again. Any takers or is this going down the drain?

Ok attached and quoted are the parts of my script so far.
Improvements I'd like to see:

Thanks a lot for doing this, it is a really great idea!

OutFile "GetSVNRev.exe"
SilentInstall silent
; Create template for SubWCRev
FileOpen $R0 "svnrev_template.txt" w
FileWrite $R0 '!define PRODUCT_VERSION "$$WCREV$$"'
FileClose $R0
; Call SubWCRev!
Exec "..\Source\Core\Common\SubWCRev.exe ..\ svnrev_template.txt svnrev.txt"

Installer.nsi attached

ok i guess "preview post" clears your attached files...

Thanks shuffle2, but I'm afraid that's not exactly what I meant. The idea was taking medium sized and above scripts and improve on those. That means fixing common bugs, using lesser known features, making the code prettier and generally improving whatnot. Adding new features people need to existing scripts could be nice too, but can be covered in Wiki pages. SuperPiMP'ing a script gives everyone a better idea of what should not be done and how it should be done instead with real world examples.

I might not figure correctly how the SuperPimp thing working, so allow me to ask,
Is this some kind of bot which scans/boosts/improves nsis code or men do the job?

Unfortunately, in both cases I don't own a place to host SP, but if it is men's job I could contribute with my small nsis'ing knowledge.

I wish I had something automatic for that :) It's all manual labor. I'll contact you know once the scripts flow in for SuperPiMP'ing. Thanks.

Aye, Captain.

I have some header files i'd like to pimp. Did you already find a proper host?

Just to show my random (and ultimately useless) support - I think this is a very interesting idea. My NSIS is by no means perfect, so I'm looking forward to seeing what the pros can teach us about how to do things right instead. Unfortunately I don't think I have anything specific that I could offer for pimping... I only have one installer framework, and it is 3000 lines not counting the usual includes. And even if you wanted something that big, it's not just mine to give away. >__>

We still have no candidates. I might take a random open source project's installer eventually to get things started.

Mybe you can take a look at FileZilla project:

it uses Installoptions and MUI, so it could be shown how to update it to use MUI2 and nsDialogs. Maybe there are also some other things to "pimp"

i've been sick for three weeks, so i need to catch up a lot of work. here is the wordpress theme for the site, it's not finished. css is valid, html isn't and i think the sidebar still needs adjustments. hopefully someone can continue from here. sorry for letting you down!