Archive: Request for guidance/support/assistance

Request for guidance/support/assistance
Let me start out by being VERY clear.

I am NOT looking for someone to do my project for me.

What I am seeking is some kind of guidance, assistance or direction on how, given my circumstances, I can best learn some of the "more advanced" tricks of NSIS.

I have a learning disability which means that, for the most part, the user manuals and guides may as well be written in some kind of tribal hieroglyphics as they are utterly meaningless to me.

When I am creating an installer I use the HM NIS Editor and simply use the wizard built into that program. However, when I need to do anything other than a very basic installer I have very little idea what I need to do.

For example, I am presently struggling to create 7 different custom UI's. I thought I would simply use the NSH script from the Modern UI as a reference point and teach myself by trial and error.

Unfortunately, this idea hit a snag because my custom UI won't even compile for me to be able to see what I have done wrong.

My thought is that if someone can help me to create the first one, that will then give me a working reference for all the others (as well as any future ones).

I will completely understand if no-one has the time, patience, or inclination to teach an old man but I figured I had nothing to lose by asking.

Any assistance will, of course, be appreciated more than mere words can express.


when you say custom UI's, do you mean custom pages (like welcome,startmenu,finish etc) or change the built-in pages (license,components,directory)?

Sorry ... by "custom UI's" I basically mean just changing the graphics and icons on the standard installer.

I do a lot of voluntary work from home, and some of the welfare agencies I help out have asked if I can put their logo and web address etc on each page of the installer.

I have already done all the graphic work. That was the easy bit - lol

BrandingText changes the text at the bottom, to change the graphics, you just need to set some defines,

!define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP "c:\myimage.bmp"
!define MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP "c:\myotherimage.bmp"

something like that, all the info you need is in the modern ui readme (image size etc.)

Thank you Anders. I have read the MUI read me and wasn't able to make any sense of it.

However, I will now go back and re-read with these defines in mind and see if it is any clearer.


It took me a mere 3 attempts to get that to work, and it all looks great.