Archive: Registering *.dll

Registering *.dll

I've had a bit of a look but i'm a bit confused.

In ${SourcePath}\Components\ I have *.dll/*.ocx/*.exe that I want to copy to my current $OUTDIR and register. Currently for the DLL/OCX I am using:

  !insertmacro InstallLib REGDLL 0 REBOOT_NOTPROTECTED "${SourcePath}\Components\ADOListView.ocx" "$OUTDIR\ADOListView.ocx" $0
And for the exes:

File "${SourcePath}\PopupMessage.exe"
ExecWait '"$OUTDIR\PopupMessage.exe" /regserver'

However I've got so many files I don't want to hardcode each one, plus it's hassle adding/removing new/old ones, so how can I just do it with a wildcard?

For my .Net files I have:
  File "${SourcePath}\ComponentsDOTNET\*.dll"
${Locate} "$OUTDIR\" "/M=Interop* /L=F /G=0" "Regasm"
And that works fine, the Regasm function simply executes regasm.exe with the filepath to register

I could do the same sort of thing and just call regsvr32 I guess.... Or will that cause problems for me?

Ok Kind of figured it out using a !system and !include to run and include the result of the following at compile time:

!include "FileFunc.nsh"
!insertmacro Locate
!include "${enta_SourceFolder}\Setup\" ;defines SourcePath

OutFile "RegisterVB6Components.exe"
SilentInstall silent

FileOpen $R1 "" w
${Locate} "${SourcePath}\Components\" "/M=*.dll /L=F /G=0" "Regdll"
${Locate} "${SourcePath}\Components\" "/M=*.ocx /L=F /G=0" "Regdll"
${Locate} "${SourcePath}\Components\" "/M=*.exe /L=F /G=0" "Regexe"
FileClose $R1

Function Regdll
FileWrite $R1 '!insertmacro InstallLib REGDLL $$ALREADY_INSTALLED REBOOT_NOTPROTECTED "$R9" "$$OUTDIR\$R7" "$$OUTDIR\"$\r$\n'

Push $0

Function Regexe
;FileWrite $R1 '!insertmacro InstallLib REGEXE $$ALREADY_INSTALLED REBOOT_NOTPROTECTED "$R9" "$$OUTDIR\$R7" "$$OUTDIR\"$\r$\n'

Push $0

But it doesn't like REGEXE despite it being in the documentation in Appendix B.... Hmmm

Make sure you're using the latest version of NSIS for REGEXE. It was only added on 2.42.