17th January 2009 03:22 UTC
verifyonleave help
Using MUI_DIRECTORYPAGE and would like to have some kind of verification that either the user defined path or InstallDir path exists. Having the path created if it doesn't exist isn't acceptable in this case. I think verifyonleave is only good if the path format is invalid. Is that right? I've searched around and haven't found much detailed information.
Red Wine
17th January 2009 10:04 UTC
If the path is invalid, the next button auto disabled, if the path is valid but the target folder doesn't exist will be created upon next, I suggest on this point you should use the .onVerifyInstallDir callback either to popup some warning message or to disable the next button or both.
19th January 2009 01:04 UTC
Works great now. Thanks for the help.