Hey. First off all, I'm pretty new to this whole nsis script thing. Now...I've been modifying the zip2exe classic script and managed pretty well, it does what it's supposed to but I can't get the cosmetics of the installer to work the way I want. What I want is to have a BMP (with an logo) fade in while music starts playing and then have it fade out while the music continues to play throughout the installer as it'll be a long installation. As it is now the music starts playing and then stops as the BMP fades out...
My code looks like this:
Page license
Page instfiles
XPStyle on
ShowInstDetails hide
BrandingText " "
LicenseText "Before continuing the installation process you must read through and accept this installer's license."
LicenseData "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\lala2.txt"
Icon "${NSISDIR}\contrib\lala1.ico"
Function .onInit
File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\sound.wav "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\lala3.wav"
; Play the sound or song
StrCpy $0 "$PLUGINSDIR\sound.wav" ; location of the wav file
IntOp $1 "SND_ASYNC" || 1
System::Call 'winmm::PlaySound(t r0, i 0, i r1) b'
File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\splash.bmp "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\lala4.bmp"
advsplash::show 1000 600 400 -1 $PLUGINSDIR\splash
Tryed everything I can think of, please help.