Archive: Multiple .bmps on a page

Multiple .bmps on a page

I'm using nsis 2.39. I want to paint two .bmp files onto my installer's license page, one on the left and the other on the bottom. I have scoured the NSIS docs, the web and this forum for any ideas but have come up empty. Is it possible to do what I want with NSIS or is it hard wired to allow for only one such image on a page?

I played around with the Example code gfx.nsi. Along with the definition of the macro BIMAGE, it has:

Page license licenseImage
AddBrandingImage left <num1>
Function licenseImage
!insertmacro BIMAGE "Path\to\a.bmp" ""

I added this code:

Page license licenseImage2
AddBrandingImage bottom <num2>
Function licenseImage2
!insertmacro BIMAGE "Path\to\my.bmp" ""

after the "Function licenseImage" definition.

The function licenseImage2 had no effect. But the second AddBrandingImage had an effect. The bottom of the license page was stretched vertically and the left .bmp file did not stretch to the bottom.

I don't want to stretch the window vertically or for the graphic on the bottom to stretch across the whole window. I want to insert the bottom graphic with the side of the left graphic acting as its edge.

I'd appreciate any answer or insight anyone can provide me.

Independently of your question you should always update nsis to the latest version, after all that's a good reason why developers working so hard for this project :)

Now to the question, some people use to edit with Resource Hacker the related gui e.g. modern.exe if this is the one you use.

an alternative is to use nsDialogs. You can easily add two bitmap controls and somewhere in these forums is a thread on adding a richedit control and filling that with a RTF file's contents if I'm not mistaken - so you could create your own custom license page entirely.

Thanks for the ideas. So, the short answer is that the license page supports only one graphic at a time as it currently stands. I'll have to familiarize myself with these tools you've mentioned.

EBanner plug-in sample uses MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_SHOW function to show optional image on the Welcome page and ..._LEAVE function to hide it, I don't see any limitations for License page. AnimGif or Marquee plug-ins may look funny too.