Archive: Space Required

Space Required

The Space required value is shown incorrectly.My application takes memory Space of 332KB and currently on Directory page It is showing the Space Required 40.6MB.

How can I solve this issue? Is it a default functionality of NSIS?

Also It is showing no space between 40.6MB. I want to give space in between e.g. 332 KB. Is it possible?

The 'Space Required' is typically based on the total amount of -disk space- required by files included in your installer via File commands in your Sections. It's not related to memory use. Depending on which Sections are enabled, this text automatically updates itself.

You can change the text of that control yourself if you have to force it, however:

outfile 'customtest.exe'

var WOOP

Page Directory DirPre

; !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"
SpaceTexts "WOINKO $WOOP$\r$\n" "ZORT $WOOP$\r$\n"

Function DirPre
StrCpy $WOOP 12345

File "c:\somefolder\somebigfile\"

If you simply think that NSIS is calculating the size of your sections incorrectly, you can use SectionSetSize to override the size of a section.


It really helped me.