Archive: About Uninstaller......

About Uninstaller......

I am installing one application through NSIS installer.
In one of the CustomPage I accepts the Directory paths from the user and I save it in the /Global variables. Now through application the files get copied to those folders.

Now while Uninstalling the application, I have to remove those folders from the system. But the variables I saved during installation gets out of scope when I start the Uninstaller.

How can I manage this to work for me? Is their any way to save those directories paths anywhere and get it while uninstalling the application?

The uninstaller does not remember the variables you used in the installer. You could save the variable contents to the registry during install, or save them to a text/ini file in the installation folder.

save it in the registry or in a .ini file and read them back in the uninstaller

Hello Anders/MSG,

Thanks for your reply.

I am using the following code to read the path from the registry and then delete it.

;Read the woring directories path from the registry
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "software\AS101\AddressDir" "Created"
ReadRegStr $1 HKLM "software\AS101\WorkDir" "Created"
ReadRegStr $2 HKLM "software\AS101\SnapDir" "Created"
ReadRegStr $3 HKLM "software\AS101\FinishDir" "Created"
ReadRegStr $4 HKLM "software\AS101\ApprovalDir" "Created"
ReadRegStr $5 HKLM "software\AS101\WorkflowDir" "Created"

;Messagebox mb_ok "$0,$1,$2,$3,$4,$5"

RMDir /r "$0"
RMDir /r "$1"
RMDir /r "$2"
RMDir /r "$3"
RMDir /r "$4"
RMDir /r "$5"

I am getting the exact path to remove the Directory like D:\PRG\AddBDel for $0 and then so on.....
But the above code is not deleting the directories. What can be the issue? Can you please guide me?

Hi Anders/MSG,

It's working now.
I was saving in the resigtry with the path D:\\PRG\\AddBDel
That's why it was not getting deleted.
I made the path to D:\PRG\AddBDel and now it is working.