Cycle + Cancel button = does not work
Hello All.
Faced with the problem.
In the script uses the cycle of reading data from a file:
Section ""
>StrCpy $2 "0"
IntOp $2 $2 + 1
ReadINIStr $R1 '$EXEDIR\data.ini' 'FILE $2' 'NAME'
ReadINIStr $R2 '$EXEDIR\data.ini' 'FILE $2' 'PATH'
ReadINIStr $R5 '$EXEDIR\data.ini' 'FILE $2' 'URL'
ReadINIStr $R3 '$EXEDIR\data.ini' 'FILE $2' 'CRC'
ReadINIStr $R4 '$EXEDIR\data.ini' 'FILE $2' 'END'
StrCmp $R4 "END" next
DetailPrint "OK"
>Function cancel_ON
GetDlgItem $R0 $HWNDPARENT 2
EnableWindow $R0 1
As a result ...Clicking on the Cancel button, it does not work the first time (have to press several times)
What problem?