Archive: Strange behaviour with Windows 64-Bit and registry keys

Strange behaviour with Windows 64-Bit and registry keys
Hi there,

I have got a STRANGE Problem !

I want to write this registry key with following command:

WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\IKE\KFUE\Watchdog" "ConfigFile" "$INSTDIR\app\Watchdog\config\Watchdog.cfg"

But NSIS writes this key under,


Yes, I know already where the problem could be derived from.

I write an 64 Bit-Installer for a software, that is now available under Windows 2003 Server 64 BIT !

So, "SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\....." is a place where 32-Bit Keys are placed.

I am astonished, that NSIS writes this automatically to ...WOW6432Node....

I told NSIS to write the key like above !!!
And it adds automatically ...WOW6432Node so that the key finally is writen to


How can I prevent this !

Jochen Graulberger from BLACK-FORREST

The registry keys are written to WOW64 because the application writing it, the NSIS installer, is 32 bits. Use SetRegView to force it to write to 64 bits registry.

Thank YOU !
This is exactly what I need !

Greetings from BLACK-Forrest, where the forrest is more black than a black hole :-)

I was actually at the Schwartz Wald and it wasn't that black. I recall it was very much green and crawling with huge shell-less snails. But I was very young, so my memory might be off :)