Archive: Question Function of NSIS ?

Question Function of NSIS ?
In NSIS, I begins and opens a new function, Can this function pass parmeter for variable as languge pascal, C++... ?

For functions, you usually use the stack to pass information. Or, if you use macros, the values can be passed as parameters.

There are several examples of these methods throughout the samples included with NSIS.

Or try using the search option in this forum. Here's one such article that might help:

and, of course, the wiki...

You may of course write your own custom C or Pascal code, compile it as a NSIS Plugin DLL and then call the plugin functions from your NSIS code. There are NSIS Plugin API's available for C as well as for Delphi/Pascal...

I read documents about function to pass information or to pass parameter for function what you sent me but i don't understand and I don't write source code, i want you help me write source code. I have 2 question want to question, distribute 2 case. This my example simple about delete key.
1. I want to write function all delete fonts Tahoma.ttf and Tahomabd.ttf as DeleteRegValue but i can't delete them, can you help me ? My soure code or you see attach file AllDeleteFont.nsi, If i want to debug (or see) variable environment, i can see content variable environment, can i ? as $Pathkey, $fontkey, $0, $1,... ? what do i do ?

Var PathKey
Var FontKey

Function AllDeleteRegValue
#All delete fonts Tahoma.ttf and Tahomabd.ttf into registry

StrCpy $0 0
loop: #All delete Tahoma.ttf and Tahomabd.ttf
EnumRegValue $1 HKLM PathKey $0
IfErrors done
IntOp $0 $0 + 1

# Copy font names: Tahoma.ttf (or Tahomabd.ttf) into $2 and compare $2 if equal Tahoma.ttf is delete them
StrCpy $2 $1 "" -StrLen(FontKey) #
StrCmp $2 FontKey 0 +3
DeleteRegValue HKLM PathKey $1
StrCpy $0 0
goto +2

; # Copy font names: Tahoma.ttf (or Tahomabd.ttf) into $2 and compare $2 if equal Tahoma.ttf is delete them
; StrCpy $3 $1 "" -12 #
; StrCmp $2 "Tahomabd.ttf" 0 +3
; DeleteRegValue HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDlls" $1
; StrCpy $0 0
; goto +1
goto loop


#All delete fonts Tahoma.ttf and Tahomabd.ttf into registry


StrCpy $FontKey "Tahoma.ttf"
StrCpy $PathKey "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDlls"
Call AllDeleteRegValue

StrCpy $FontKey "Tahomabd.ttf"
Call AllDeleteRegValue



Case 2:
2. If i want to write function AllDeleteRegValue as DeleteRegValue to pass parameter.

AllDeleteRegValue HKLM "Software\My Company\My Software" "Tahoma.ttf"

In Section i write, can i write them ? can you help me ?

Function AllDeleteRegValue (PathKey, FontKey)
... Command


AllDeleteRegValue HKLM "Software\My Company\My Software" "Tahoma.ttf"
AllDeleteRegValue HKLM "Software\My Company\My Software" "Tahomabd.ttf"
