Archive: nsExec::ExecToStack will be blocked by Trend Micro OfficeScan

nsExec::ExecToStack will be blocked by Trend Micro OfficeScan
In order to supress the console window when calling a batch file. NSIS provide a command: nsExec::ExecToStacknsExec::ExecToStack .

Refcently, the Trend Micro OfficeScan seems detect another Trojan TROJ_DROPPER.GDM Trojan TROJ_DROPPER.GDM that might doing the similar thing, thus
nsExec::ExecToStack will be blocked by Trend Micro OfficeScan.

Any alternative?

perhaps execDos?

Best bet, though, is to e-mail Trend Micro and tell them were to pick up a sample installer source, executable and the nsExec DLL source. They should then be able to add it to a whitelist.

That said, if it's one of those newfangled 'zomg those cookies are MALWARE!!!!!!' products, then they may very well have a hard stance that -any- suppressing of windows will be flagged.

Should contact them, either way, though

thanks, it could be the options. Asking user to add it to whitelist of AV could be impossible. Just afraid this plugin might cause another similar issue next time, since it's an commercial application. Is it a freeware? I found no EULA there.

Nothing we can do could ever fix all of the already existing installers using nsExec. It's Trend's bug to fix and it's their product's compatibility with the hundreds of installers using nsExec. Your best and pretty much only choice here is to have them fix this.

Thanks, what about license issue? Nothing mentioned in Wiki page:

If it's not mentioned, it's zlib like NSIS itself. But the license has nothing to do with this issue.

sorry, I confused you. I was trying to say I am gonna use it in commercial app. It'd be a grey area if it's not specified. It could not be found here:

I think I gotta contact him directly:

'There are no new private messages since your last visit.'
OK, ExecDos is free for any use like NSIS itself ;)

Great, tq. I prefer any document in black in white, so that I can release it with my app's EULA. :)

Or is it applicable to: (

Applicable licenses
All NSIS source code, plug-ins , documentation, examples, header files and graphics, with the exception of the compression modules and where otherwise noted, are licensed under the zlib/libpng license.
The zlib compression module for NSIS is licensed under the zlib/libpng license.
The bzip2 compression module for NSIS is licensed under the bzip2 license.
The lzma compression module for NSIS is licensed under the Common Public License version 1.0.

and since it's CPL v1, I subjected to this ( ?

Can I take a Program licensed under the CPL, compile it without modification, and commercially license the result?
Yes. You may compile a Program licensed under the CPL without modification and commercially license the result in accordance with the terms of the CPL.

Do I need to include the source code for such Program with the object code distribution?
No. But you do need to include a statement that the source code is available from you and information on how to obtain it.

Actually I sent the mail to this add: ''

I know I talked about this with kichik on IRC a while back, can't find it in my logs ATM. But yes, anything on the wiki that does not have its own license is zlib. Why does not include parts about the wiki, I don't know, maybe "plug-ins , documentation, examples" covers it (IANAL,TINLA)

I think I overlooked. If it's released under zLib, then it'd be GPL (,, instead of CPL.

If it's GPL v2, does it mean zlib, NSIS, execDos cannot be used as proprietry software ( ?

This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General Public License instead of this License.

no, zlib is not the same as GPL. It is _compatible_ with the GPL, but it also does not have the same restrictions that GPL has (IANAL)

meant it's neither CPL nor GPL? then thanks. I just attach the zlib license.