Archive: NSIS downloader

NSIS downloader

i have a little trouble with with nsis.
i have start it a few minutes ago and i wanna make a "big" installer.

i can program php and i miss some methods from there :D

little text to explain my wish:

which functions, macros, etc i must watch to make an installer with this functions?

how i can read and seperate (array) the little txt from the server to place the infos in the installer?

i have build a downloader marco
NSISdl::download ${DOWNLOAD} ${FILENAME}

# user choose the files to install
standard: Page Components

# installer read a registry key for the install path
Depending on what you're referring to, exactly...

# installer load the files down and place it in the right path
NSISdl plugin or inetc plugin (I prefer the latter, myself). The macro you've built has an error, unless you defined ${DOWNLOAD} elsewhere.

# finish
standard: Page custom
Use nsDialogs to create your own finish page


# option to create shortcuts on the desktop
You can go down many roads with this one.
A. You could offer this on a separate page (Custom)
B. You could add it in a Section so the user chooses it when choosing components
C. You could combine it with the Finish page (would have to be a custom finish page, not the MUI2 built-in one)
I recommend A or B, as typical guidelines indicate that any system changes should only occur when actually installing (e.g. just before, during, or just after, InstFiles), and not as an 'option' on a Finish page. But I've seen many installers ignore that; up to you %)

# installer load the files down and place it in the right path
NSISdl plugin or inetc plugin (I prefer the latter, myself). The macro you've built has an error, unless you defined ${DOWNLOAD} elsewhere.

i have define it ;)

!include "MUI.nsh"
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH

what is the different to MUI_PAGE?

InstallDirRegKey - create a reg key????

InstallDirRegKey doesn't create the registry entry, it simply defines the registry entry to read $INSTDIR from. You have to write it yourself at the end of installation with WriteRegStr.

You should use MUI2.nsh. UNPAGE macros are for your uninstaller.
