Archive: Check Global Assembly Cache

Check Global Assembly Cache
Hi All

I would like to know if there is a way to check
if an assembly is in the Global Assembly Cache
using the NSIS Installer.

I can see the file in windows explorer under

But how do I check if an assembly is in the Global Assembly Cache using the NSIS Installer.

Or is there a registry key I can check?

Thanks in Advance

Stuart or something along those lines, search the wiki for "Assembly"

Thanks for that.

I have integrated the code into my script and it is working
with the supplied variables.

push 'msvcr80.dll'
push 'Microsoft.VC80.CRT,version="8.0.50727.42",

Now my question is how do if find out my Assemblies strong name.

My Dll Name is "3DMechDesignInventorVB.dll"
I looked in the folder c:\windows\Assembly and I can
see it there but what is its strong name?

I think it is 3DMechDesignInventorVB but what about all the other things?

when I right click on the dll in c:\windows\Assembly
I get the following properties that I have tried to format as per the sample.


This is not currently working.

Do I need all this info?

Please help as I am very close to getting my script working :)