Archive: How to disable DetailPrint for every file

How to disable DetailPrint for every file

Can everyone tell me how to disable the DetailPrint message fore every single file?

I have create a setup there install my new help system (like MSDN). This system contains a DLL and EXE file and circa 60000 html files. So the installation have many many detail prints (for every file).

How can i disable this automatic generated DetailPrints for a while? But i would not disable the detail print completely.

For Example:

File Help.exe
File Help.dll
DetailPrint "Installing HTML Files..."
File /r *.html



That is exactly that was i am looking for. Thank you very much!

Do you know, how can i speed up a setup with so many files?
I have try it to compress the files into a zip before i compile the setup. But when is unzip there file on the target system the setup finished in the same time. This indicate that the already included NSIS compress algorithm is very fast (congratulation).

But is there a option (or anything) to speed up the setup for so many files?

As long as you are compressing your files, you have to deal with decompression which is bound to take some time. It will be limited by the user's hard drive write speed more than anything in theory.


ok. you are right. the main time probable elapse in the file system.

"nice to have" feature for SetDetailsPrint:

A new parameter was eligible ... none|listonly|textonly|both|lastused|"Put All Detail Prints In The Same Line"

So every single file was shown at the same line. The user was informed that the setup is currently running and is not hanging up, while installing many files. For Example the Detail view display the following text:

Instead the XXX the setup displays the current extracting file.

Installing binarys...
Installing help index...
Installing help files...
Installing Complete