Archive: Replace a placeholder in a file

Replace a placeholder in a file
Hi there,

I have three files, that must be filled with values that i get during installation process, because the user must input these values in textfields.

How can I replace a placeholder (e.g $XXXX) with a NSIS variable in(!) a config-file ?

# config File


aValue=$XXXX (this must be repaced)


Greetings from Jochen Graulberger
from BLACK-FORREST (where it's darker than in the night)

annotation: ConfigWrite ist no solution, because I must mainly replaice HTTP-Links, so i can't use Value and Entry..

${ConfigWrite} see the documentation.

This is the solution
No, sorry, ConfigWrite is NOT a solution, because it can only be helpful with Value / Entry Pairs, not with http-Links or other free text that should be sustituted

The solution is the library

TextReplace.nsh (search in Forum)