Archive: MUI2 modify Welcome/Finish Page

MUI2 modify Welcome/Finish Page
Hi all,

i have successfully changed the size of the installer using Reshacker on the various Resource.exes.

Now the Welcome/Finish page looks kinda awkward since it does not change size with the exes. I have defined alternative Exes using

!define MUI_UI "..\..\Shared Resources\UI\LCM_modern.exe"
!define MUI_UI_HEADERIMAGE_RIGHT "..\..\Shared Resources\UI\LCM_modern_headerbmpr.exe"
!define MUI_UI_COMPONENTSPAGE_NODESC "..\..\Shared Resources\UI\LCM_modern_nodesc.exe"

ist there a similar way to reference new(changed) Welcome.nsh and Finish.nsh?


Nope, it's created by code. You can try moving around the controls in the show callback function.