Archive: nsWindows plugin for NSIS

nsWindows plugin for NSIS
this plugin is modified on nsDialogs, support for window in nsis.

Most of it's macro is the same with nsDialogs, you just need to replace ${NSD_macro} with ${NSW_macro} in your script.

note: if you want to create more than one window at the same time, you need nsWindows.nsh, copy nsWindows.dll to nsis's plugins Directory, and replace "nsWindows::function" with "${nsWindows}::function" in your script.


see blow.

this is the fixed version of nsWindows.
the plugins, nsh head files and some examples were compressed in the nsWindows.7z documents.

a simple nsWindows's page examples like this:

;handle to window 3
var hwindow3

Function nsWindowsPage3
IsWindow $hwindow3 Create_End
${NSW_CreateWindow} $hwindow3 "WND 3" 1018
;set window pos
; ${NSW_SetWindowPos} $hwindow3 0 0
;set window size
${NSW_SetWindowSize} $hwindow3 200 100

${NSW_CenterWindow} $hwindow3 $hwndparent

;call back function of window 3
${NSW_OnBack} OnBack3

${NSW_CreateButton} 50 -30 50 18u 'WND 1'
Pop $R0
${NSW_OnClick} $R0 nsWindowsPage1

${NSW_CreateButton} 100 -30 50 18u 'WND 2'
Pop $R0
${NSW_OnClick} $R0 nsWindowsPage2

ShowWindow $hwindow3 ${SW_SHOW}

Function OnBack3
${NSW_DestroyWindow} $hwindow3

Some thing improved for NSIS of Ansi version.

Some thing improved for NSIS of Unicode version.

source code for the plugin is here:

Veru good plugin! Picks you up!

How to remove Titlebar from nsWindows??
I used nsWindows as custom messagebox, it works perfectly.

Now i want to remove the Titlebar. but not finding a way to do it.
Can anybody suggest how to achieve this..??

Please find attachment