DcryptDll plug-in
I am making the installer which downloads on a server the file installed as an option by inetc for reduction of the capacity of an installer.
Although the file compressed by zip or 7z at first was installed, since he does not want for the others to see, I put the encrypted file on a server and think decryption with the installer.
Then, although DcryptDll plug-in is got to know and he thinks that he will use this, it does not work.
First, a file is encrypted by the following BAT commands.
@echo off
REM cd /d %~dp0
Ncrypt -SF (Arbitrary hash) %~n1.7z %~n1.tome
The following BAT commands perform decryption and it is operating ordinarily.
@echo off
REM cd /d %~dp0
Ncrypt -SF (Arbitrary hash) %~n1.tome %~n1.7z
What should I do in order to perform this decryption by DcryptDll of NSIS?
Although I am putting in the following commands, I will be skipped.
Since there is also no error output, a cause is not known.
inetc::get (Arbitrary URL) "$TEMP\File.tome" /end
Pop $0
${IfNot} $0 == 'OK'
MessageBox MB_ICONEXCLAMATION|MB_OK "Download failure."
DcryptDll::Decrypt "SFF" (Arbitrary hash) "$TEMP\File.tome" "$TEMP\File.7z"
${IfNot} $0 == 'OK'
MessageBox MB_ICONEXCLAMATION|MB_OK "Decyption failure."
Nsis7z::Extract "$TEMP\File.7z" $OUTDIR
${IfNot} $R0 == 'OK'
MessageBox MB_ICONEXCLAMATION|MB_OK "Extract Failure."