Archive: How to create an installable using my nsi script ?

How to create an installable using my nsi script ?

I am a new to nsi scripts. I have installed Null Soft. I have my windows application MyApp.exe for which I want to create an installable. I have an nsi script with me which does all the reg settings and shorcurt icon on the desktop.

I want to know how do I use this script to create a cab or installable file.

Is there any command ? What command i should run on command prompt to generate an installable for my application

I was trying

"C:\Program Files\NSIS\makensis.exe" /DBRAND="AMP" /DVERSION="%1" MyInstallable.nsi

what should be DBVERSION ? Where do I specify my windows application file name i.e MyApp.exe?

Kindly help
Thanks and Regards,

I was trying "C:\Program Files\NSIS\makensis.exe" /DBRAND="AMP" /DVERSION="%1" MyInstallable.nsi
what should be DBVERSION ?
See chapter 3.1 (MakeNSIS Usage) of the NSIS User Manual. (You don't need the DBRAND and DVERSION options)
Where do I specify my windows application file name i.e MyApp.exe?
You should use the File function to include your application file in the installer.
See chapter of the NSIS User Manual.
There are many examples supplied with NSIS explaining the usage of the File function.
Begin with example1.nsi as a start.


Right click on the source file and select Compile.


Thanks all,
It was a gr8 help !