7th April 2009 01:15 UTC
compile another script as compile condition
I have an executable generated from an NSIS script that is included in another NSIS script via the File command. Is there any way to use conditional compilation to check for the existence of this executable and if it doesn't exist, compile it from the script, then include it using File? Here's basically what I need, although I know this doesn't work the way it's written, this is just for illustration of the functionality I'm looking for:
!ifndef filename.exe
NSExec ${NSISDIR}\makensis.exe filename.nsi
Section SomeSection
File filename.exe
. . .
I'm guessing the answer is "no, just compile the first script by hand you lazy programmer" :P If that's the case I'm fine with that, it would just be nice if it could be worked out this way.
7th April 2009 01:36 UTC
something like
!tempfile mytemp
!system 'IF NOT EXIST "otherinstaller.exe" echo !define ItsNotThere > "${mytemp}"'
!include "${mytemp}"
!ifdef ItsNotThere
!echo TODO...
!delfile "${mytemp}"
7th April 2009 18:34 UTC
So you're saying the best that can be done is to send the person compiling a prompt? Ok, I figured it would be something like that.
7th April 2009 18:55 UTC
saywhatnow? Its fully automated, you just need to put the compile command there, !system '"${NSISDIR}\makensis" "c:\otherscript.nsi"' = 0 or something like that is all you need
7th April 2009 22:00 UTC
Oh, my mistake. Forgot about the !system command. Thanks, I'm gonna try it out right now :)
7th April 2009 22:15 UTC
I realized that really it would just be easier to always compile the other script fresh, so since the directory structure was permanently set (SVN repo) all I ended up having to do was
!system '"${NSISDIR}\makensis.exe" "..\folderwhereotherscriptis\otherscript.nsi"' = 0
Thanks a ton :)