Archive: Choosing Language with MUI_LANGDLL_DISPLAY and also License Text

Choosing Language with MUI_LANGDLL_DISPLAY and also License Text
Hello at all.

My Problem is that Im unable to show the License for the Selected Language
The User get's shown the Box for selecting a Language.
After choosing a Language the Interface is shown in the Selected Language but at the License Page no Text shows up.

First im defining the license strings:

LicenseLangString license ${LANG_ENGLISH} EULA_EN.rtf

LicenseLangString license ${LANG_GERMAN} EULA_DE.rtf

And then I set it for the License Page
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE $(license)

However no Text appears. Has Annyone an Idea?

Okay I found the Error.
It was the Wrong Order.

First I have to define the Pages. And there is also the macro call for the License Page.
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE $(license)
Then I have to insert the Languages
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"
And then I can set the LicenseFile
LicenseLangString license ${LANG_ENGLISH} EULA_EN.rtf

For also having a different Name this is in my .onInit Function
StrCpy $AppDesc "English AppName"
StrCpy $AppDesc "English AppName"

Name $AppDesc

Perhaps this will help someone.

Indeed it has solved exactly my problem. Your post should be more visible!
