Archive: Rename files, Remove Dir, Delete files after system Reboot?

Rename files, Remove Dir, Delete files after system Reboot?

i want a script for rename files, Remove directory, Delete files after system reboot without windows file protection warning.

Thanks in advance


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This is not possible out of the box

you can create an additional installer which you copy in the "autostart/Startup" folder of windows an then ask the user to reboot (see Reboot commando in the docu)

there's also 'RunOnce', and you can launch the same installer that was launched the first time (though better is if you copy it to a temporary location (but not the user temp folder, in case something they use decides to clear that on every shutdown, for example)).

However, it's true that no 'continue installation' type thing is built-in. Copying files, renaming files, etc. DO have that built-in (see the /REBOOTOK options for these), but if you need to actually continue an installation, then your installer will just have to detect how far it got on the first run, and pick up from there; it's usually easier to just run the entire installation all over again, only skipping any user-input parts that were already covered.. that way you can be sure of a clean installation and you have less hassles from having to track where, in the installer, you were before the reboot was required.

Even better is to try and make sure you don't need a reboot-and-continue; not always possible, I know

Renaming files and folders or deleting files and folders are all possible after a reboot with the /rebootok switch but you cannot stop the WFP warning.


There has to be a way to prevent WFP messages. After all, you don't get those when Microsoft installs new Windows updates.

official microsoft files are probably signed, and they probably have a backdoor to do the update.

If you are unable to get passed WFP on your own, you probably should not be replacing system files