Archive: Installing .reg file

Installing .reg file
I have tried to use "Exec "regedit /s file.reg" command, but no action. I dont want to use ExecShell "" "file.reg" because it ask if user install the reg in registry or not.

I gave a shot to reg2nsis converter, but unfortunaly my reg file is either too complex or some how broken and got error when trying to compile installer pack. And this is subject that cannot made anything.

Re: Installing .reg file


Yeah, that did the trick, thanks.

Another thread "Red Wine" wondered why modify unsafe way, reason is, that I have one program which was needed to transfer from system to another and the program support has long time ago gone (went out of business). I had install files/cd for that system (many versions), but some reason the original installer is either doesn't work at new systems or is totally wrongly builded. (I think XP sp's has something to do with this issue)

Glad that I had access to system where this still was working, cause msi/mst install system looked so terrible.

I trying command ExecWait '"regedit" /s yourregfile.reg'but no action, can you help me ?

reg2nsis should do the trick.